Thursday, March 3, 2011

Project Progress as of 2011-03-04

We have been given the green light to begin work on the physical side of our project. We have begun to look into how Android apps are actually written.

Action Items:
Program Arduino to control the Servos.
If we can get our hands on the wireless shield, attempt to get it to work with the Arduino.
Create the UI for the App.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spreadsheet Extraction

I have developed a method to solve this problem while letting the master spreadsheet(s) be fully private and the student report spreadsheet to be private between the owner of the master and the student.

The TA will be the owner of all of the spreadsheets and students will only be able to view their grade sheet and can't even view the master spreadsheet. This method would work with as many Master sheets and student sheets as desired.

My example uses one master spreadsheet and one student spreadsheet, but additional student spreadsheets could easily be made by copying and a few changes to equations in a few cells.

Let me know if there are any questions.

Master Spreadsheet (private)
Student Spreadsheet

The proof that the student sheet is reading data from the master sheet is in the equation in A1:A3, this function links to a spread sheet with a certain key (which is the master sheet's key).

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Project Progress as of 2011-02-18

We returned the Safebot to it's original configuration and plan to present possible designs to Dr. Abidi.

Action Items:
Present designs and choose one.
Create framework for App.
Choose whether to get an additional OI and order it.
Present and possibly choose camera.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Project progress as of 2011-02-11

This week we learned how the robot control is set up and got the robot to work. On Friday we created documents to show possible configurations of the control system.

Action Items:
Present possible configurations and choose one.
Look into possible cameras for video feed.
If necessary for possible cameras, purchase additional servo.
Acquire Arduino.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A previous project.

While not terribly original, the project that I am currently most proud of is when I wrote a simplified version of malloc for cs360. Learning feature by feature how malloc is implemented and guessing what could be done to improve it was a great experience for me. I wrote malloc such that all of my previous programs could actually use it, rather than the standard library.